Our History

The Idea of New Temple Lodge was first conceived by Brother Owen Metzeger.  Past Master of Greenleaf Lodge, when, at the close of an enthusiastic meeting during the drive for funds for the building of the Temple, he announced that the time was ripe for the unaffiliated Masons residing in Allentown to take for themselves a charter and become one of the Blue Lodges operating in the new Temple Building.

A year or so rolled by with various unaffiliated Masons constantly having in mind Brother Metzeger’s suggestion.  At the meeting of the Grand in December, 1922, a charter was applied for and granted by T. W. Grand Master Abraham Beitler.

The charter members were:

Stoken J. Brumheller, formerly of 537 NY.
Edmound Collins, Jr., Formerly of 440 PA.
Fred E. Paulson, formerly of 319 IND.
Clinton Beck, formerly of 311 PA.
Edgar J. Klotz, formerly of 637 PA.
Samuel W. Traylor, formerly of 87 CO.
Jess R. Slutter, formerly of 565 PA.
Winter F. Clark, Jr. formerly of 478 ILL.
Edgar Hull, formerly of 456 NY.
William T. Harris, formerly of  112 NJ.
Joseph Merkel, formerly of 789 NY.
David Kins, formerly of 176 NJ.
Ernest W. Bedell, formerly of 323 PA.
Charles c. Bachman, formerly of 565 PA.
Harry D. Sollenberger, formerly of 464 PA,
Donal F. MacKenzie, formerly of  181 NJ.
David G. Williams, formerly of 440 PA.
Vyvyan H. Dent, formerly of 2 OR.
Percy M. Snoeberger, formerly of 539 PA.
Ralph B. Bush, formerly of 537 NY.
George B. Bleiler, formerly of  326 PA.
Max B. Schulman, formerly of 191 MD.
Leon c. Altman, formerly of 63 SC.
David H. Keech, formerly of 469 PA.
C. Keely Hagy, formerly of 304 GA.
Frank L. Herrington, formerly of  61 NJ.
Simon S. Brone, formerly of 158 PA.
Rev. John Baer Stoudt, formerly of 637 PA.
Thomas W. Cook, formerly of 21 OH.

The charter list was unique in the it comprised eleven different Grand Lodge Jurisdictions the charter members having received their degrees in twenty-seven different doges and in the charter list not one member was transferred from any of the Allentown doges the idea being to harmoniously create a new lodge without wreaking any of the other lodges.

On January 15th 1923, the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania held a special communication in the Masonic Hall, corner Eight and Hamilton Street at which the following Grand Lodge officers were present:

Abraham M. Beitler, R. W. Grand Master
Andrew J. Schroeder, R. W. Deputy Grand Master
Harry A Koons, acting  R. W. Grand Senior Grand Warden
Charles E. Roberts, R. W. Grand Treasurer
John A. Perry, R. W. Grand Secretary
George A. Greiss., Acting Grand Chaplain
Fred O Raymound, Senior Grand Deacon
Daniel W. Hamm, Junior Grand Deacon
Jon A Heimbach, Grand Steward
J. Wallace Radcliffe, Grand Steward
George B. Wlls, Grand Marshal
Howard S. Williams, Grand Sword Bearer
Arthur D. Bacon, Grand Pursuivant
William B. Joslyn, Grand Tyler

One hundred nineteen visiting brothers were present.  The application for the charter was willingly  endorsed by Edwin G. Marking Lodge then presided over by Bro c. B. Stroup W. M. Bro Edmund Collins Jr., Was installed Worshipful Master of New Temple Lodgel Bro Harry D. Sollenberger, Senior Warden Bro Winter F. Clark Junior Warden  Bro Clinton Beck, Treasurer and Bro D. Hayes Keech, Secretary.

At the close of the lodge ceremonies, the Grand Lodge, the members of the newly constituted lodge, and the visiting brothers were entertained at a Table Lodge, at which the officers and members of Jordan Lodge were the hosts.

The first stated meeting of New Temple Lodge was held on January 17th 1923 the third Wednesday in each month being designated the meeting night.  At this meeting all the elected and appointed officers were in there stations and palaces and the Lodge was honored by the visitation of the R. W. District Deputy Grand Master, Harry A. Koons.  Twenty-nine members were present the entire charter list and ten visitors.  The first degree work was conferred upon candidates at the stated meeting held of February 21st 1923.

The first extra meeting held was on that typically Masonic day, Washington’s Birthday, February 22 1923 when a degree was conferred.

The by-laws were adopted at the stated meeting held on February 20 1924.  The Lodge suffered its first and only loss in membership when on the 11th day of October 1924 Bro. David Hayes Keech, a charter members, and Secretary of New Temple Lodge, passed on the his reward above.  He was every inch a man and Mason. He demitted from Saucon Lodge No 469, which lodge he had served faithfully both as Worshipful Master and later as Secretary.

The Lodge held its first meeting in Doric Hall at the new Temple corner of Linden at Fulton Streets, on September 16, 1925.